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Whatcom County Women's Open

2025 Women’s Open Tournament (Singles/Doubles)

With Blind Doubles Option


February 22nd-23rd & March 1st-2nd      

20th Century Bowl, 1411 N. State St, Bellingham, WA

USBC Sanctioned



You must bowl Open to be eligible for Masters Champion consideration


Saturday February 22 9:00am & 1:00pm

Sunday February 23 9:00am & 1:00pm

Saturday March 1 9:00am & 1:00pm

Sunday March 2 9:00am & 1:00pm

Fees breakdown per bowler:           

Lineage fee:    $14.00              

Expense fee:    $  5.00   

Prize Fund:     $21.00  

           Total:    $40.00

Fees breakdown for Blind Doubles per bowler:

Lineage fee:                            $  0.00

Master Championships:          $  2.00

Prize Fund:                             $  8.00

Total:                           $10.00


Format will be three games of regular 10-pin bowling on the same pair of lanes.  Blind Doubles teams will be created by random draw prior to the start of bowling for each squad on a first-come, first-served basis.  When you sign up for a squad, PLEASE specify what event you want to bowl, Women’s Doubles, or Women’s Singles.  There will be every effort to re-oil the lanes in-between shifts on each day of the tournament.



This tournament is USBC sanctioned. USBC cards or proof of card purchase for each team member must be presented prior to bowling. If you do not hold a USBC card, one can be purchased for Association dues of $25.  If you are a member of another association, you may still bowl this tournament with the payment of local association dues of $10.



The Doubles event may be bowled more than once but at least one bowler must change on the team. Blind Doubles is limited to once per squad bowled.  If you bowl multiple times, ONLY the first series per event will be counted towards the Masters Tournament qualifying.



Entries will close 30 minutes prior to the start of each squad.  NO EXCEPTIONS! 

Entry fee of $40.00 per bowler per event breaks down as follows: Lineage $14.00, Prize fund $21.00, Expenses $5.00 (Tourney Expense - $2.00, Jr. Scholarship - $1.00, Masters Championship - $2.00).  Entry fee of $10.00 per bowler for Blind Doubles breaks down as follows: Lineage $0.00, Prize fund $8.00, Master Championships $2.00. 



(1)    Bowler must use their 2023-2024 COMPOSITE average for 21 games or more.

If no 2023-2024 average then either : (2) a current highest average based on 21 games or more for the 2024-2025 season as of the date of entry may be used, or (3) you will enter using a 220 scratch average.

(USBC Rule 319a(2) – 10 pin Avg Rule WILL apply.)  If your highest current average as of 21 games or more and as of 1/1/2025 is at least 10 pins higher than your 2023-2024 Composite Average, you MUST use your current average.



Failure to report the correct average or make corrections prior to the completion of the 1st game could result in disqualification if the reported average is LOWER than the actual average.  (USBC Rule 319a(3).  IF YOU HAVE NO COMPOSITE AVERAGE FOR THE 2023-2024 SEASON, PLEASE BRING A COPY OF A CURRENT LEAGUE STANDING SHEET TO PROVE AVERAGE IF THE AVERAGE CAN NOT BE VERIFIED ONLINE.

It is the responsibility of each bowler to verify the accuracy of their own average.



Prize ratio will be 1 for every 6 entries.

Blind Doubles will only pay the top three teams.

Prize money will be returned 100% with last place money at least equal to the prize fund fee. 



Singles Handicap will be 90% of 220. Doubles Handicap will be 90% of 440 for the team.


USBC RULES 319-c, 319-d, 319-e will be waived.


Tournament shall be governed by USBC rules not covered above.

February 22

Whatcom County Open

April 12

Whatcom County Team Tournament